Saturday, January 31, 2009

To wait.

Technology is a fantastic thing. It makes our lives easier, and enhances what we're able to do. We're able to keep in touch with people at long distances with relative ease these days compared to the era of handwritten letters from days gone by.

I think because of this, we've become accustomed to instant gratification. Sending a text, you expect a response in a timely fashion, just like you would with an email or a phone call or any other sort of thing related to digital correspondence. I think we've become too used to having people right at our fingertips, and it creates a feeling of crowding, even though we could be hundreds of miles away.

I feel that more and more we lean on the methods of communication we have instead of really valuing what we're communicating. The easier it is, the more we take others being there for granted, as if they really are just a phone call or a text message away. More and more, face to face communication is being pushed aside for the impersonal method that is everything related to a screen. I wonder, are we as a society soon heading down a path of entirely no face to face communication? How are we supposed to connect with other people in a real way? Or will we just forget that element entirely of personal relationships and forge a new way of feeling?

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