Saturday, January 31, 2009

To wait.

Technology is a fantastic thing. It makes our lives easier, and enhances what we're able to do. We're able to keep in touch with people at long distances with relative ease these days compared to the era of handwritten letters from days gone by.

I think because of this, we've become accustomed to instant gratification. Sending a text, you expect a response in a timely fashion, just like you would with an email or a phone call or any other sort of thing related to digital correspondence. I think we've become too used to having people right at our fingertips, and it creates a feeling of crowding, even though we could be hundreds of miles away.

I feel that more and more we lean on the methods of communication we have instead of really valuing what we're communicating. The easier it is, the more we take others being there for granted, as if they really are just a phone call or a text message away. More and more, face to face communication is being pushed aside for the impersonal method that is everything related to a screen. I wonder, are we as a society soon heading down a path of entirely no face to face communication? How are we supposed to connect with other people in a real way? Or will we just forget that element entirely of personal relationships and forge a new way of feeling?

Sunday, January 25, 2009


The last time I wrote, there was a different President in office. It's wierd to think that back in 8th grade people were speculating Barack Obama would run for office in 2008 and all of a sudden, here he is, and here we are. Wild wild world.

Gainesville took place this weekend, and I had an absolute blast. I have a few major things to be considering this next semester, and have to really sit down and bake on some thoughts. This is looking to be my most important semester of my life, and I must treat it as such.

It's wild to go to different places and see how backwards South Carolina is sometimes.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I suck at spelling.

I just realized that without Spell Check, I would be the world's most clueless person when it comes to spelling actual words. Yea, there's a typo in the title of my previous entry. Ayeeee.

Here's a concept I thought was interesting:

When people become drunk, they revert back to their most basic of feelings. At first when I heard this, I was skeptical(sp?). After listening to the points though, I can see how wierd it is. People feel the need to defend their territory, or at least we did back when we were still fighting over caves and huts and villages and, well, actually, we still are. Fuck. I guess we've always fought over territory. Maybe we're just destined to keep fighting amongst ourselves. We think we should be above this type of behavior as we fashion ourselves as such intelligent animals. Really though, it seems like it's just nature. A pride of lions will raise issue with another pride or a straggler unattached to any other group, as they are crossing on to their turf. That's sort of like nature's gang wars at hand. Simba's posse versus Scar's or some shit like that. Regardless, I think we're just going to always be fighting over land and territories, as countries, as states, as counties, as cities, as people.

Also, when drunk, the usual mindset is to scheme on any type of female (from a male's perspective) and see if she's digging the game you're slangin. That's the basic urge to procreate I guess, since I assume we felt that need because we had to at one point, fuck like rabbits to continue our species in a challenging world. We're just animals man.

Gainesville is coming up this next weekend. I. Am excited. Tremendously. When you've got everything you could want, everything else seems trivial. Ride the wave baby.

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Years Resolutions means crowded running tacks

It's the first week back to school, and as expected, the Strom Thurmond Fitness and Wellness Center (GYM) is CRAWLING with people ready to start their New Year's Resolutions. Students (it seems like it's usually girls) are flocking to USC's fitness Mecca to attain their perfect bodies that reside within their current flabby physique. Upon first hearing complaints about how many people had swarmed the Strom, I became enraged. In a way, I reasoned that these people weren't really serious about getting in shape, and that they'd be gone by the end of the week. I was angry they'd be there taking up my space, faking the drive it takes to maintain a healthy body. But after thinking about it, I hope those that do decide to go and workout and get in shape as their New Year's Resolution do hold themselves to it, and stay. It's better for everyone if more people decide to get in shape and actually stick to that decision. I wish all those setting out on their Resolutions success. I know I'll need a bit of good luck to carry out mine, but so far it's going well.

Speaking of things, it's the first week back to school, and I'm excited not only about the school year, but the year in general. It's bizarre how my attitude towards some things has changed in the month away from Carolina. So many things can change in just a short while, and once again, I believe good things happen to good people, so as long as I try to be good, I think good things will continue to happen to me.

I'd urge you to take the new start to the semester to look at yourself and see if you're really doing everything you can to get all that you want out of life.


1. If you want something bad enough, you'll work for it. That's how you earn things.

2. Nothing worth having ever came easy. If it did, then everyone would have it.

3. You never know who's going to come into your life at any given moment. It's up to you if you recognize the importance of that person or not, and act on it.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Walk in/Walk out

Last time I checked in was way back in last year. Well I'm back and in full effect in 2009. 2008 was an absolutely unpredictable, amazing, fantastic, awful, horrific, terrible, exciting, dull year. In my 20 years on planet earth, there was never a year like 2008. 2009 I hope, will be more consistent in a good way.

People walk in and out of life all the time. I guess when you're young you never really think about that because of how short your life so far has been. But getting more and more into life you see how people you were so sure would be there for all time, fade away, and people you never dreamt you'd ever know, suddenly step into your life. It seems that the only certainty in life anymore is that it's absolutely uncertain. Nothing's ever set in stone and all you can do is do your best to live for today and prepare for tomorrow.

Last week in South Florida, this past week has been otherworldly. Easily the best week at home this break, and I'm joined by someone else in saying, "I don't want to leave." But what must happen must happen, and as Tupac said, "Life goes on." On that note, South Cack next weekend, ride or die motherfuckers.