Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Theraputic Self Destruction

Music is an absolute escape into another world where you can do anything you want. Whatever you're carrying, whatever you're feeling, you can sink into a song and just wash away with it. By the end of that song, you're so far removed from wherever you were, a different mindset has taken over. That's kind of the case for me anyways.

It's warm (Florida warm) here, and I'm loving it.

I met Alonzo Mourning tonight at a book signing, and if anyone is interested in a strong willed individual, I suggest you research him a little bit. My all time favorite basketball player.

I'm taking this winter break to focus on personal growth, as I have a lot of free time on my hands, and am trying to be productive in some sort of way. My goal is to develop a better understanding of myself, so that I may understand others more clearly because of it. This sounds kind of dumb, but I think everyone at some point should have to face themselves, but rarely do we ever get the courage to recognize and acknowledge our flaws and actively pursue a solution to them. This is my early New Year's resolution. What's yours?

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